“I find that i’m constantly discovering and digging for things about a character. it’s a great feeling when a story and a character captures your imagination in that way…”
What's the most important thing about my job?
A well written story that I feel a resonance with and the time to do it justice and make it the best it can possibly be is the most important aspect of my work.
I’m sure most actors and directors would say the same because everything about our job makes sense when you feel connected to the story and have the time to enjoy the process of getting to understand a character and discover together with the director and actors the magic of what true collaboration can bring to the table. So much is unknown about how a film will turn out before you start on the journey of making it and that’s what makes it exciting and challenging.

for me, creating music has always been a way to process my feelings and brings me great joy. I'm excited to share some of my work with you...